The sun’s warm embrace
Once, when Sarah was a small girl being tucked into bed, she got the strange notion that the sun wasn’t going to rise the next morning. She tried to explain her thoughts to her father but he waved her concerns away and wished her a good night. Sarah didn’t sleep a single wink that night and while it was still dark she crept out of bed and down into the garden.
She waited for what felt like an eternity in the cold and dark willing the sun to come up. Eventually the first rays of sunlight heralded the arrival of dawn and, a short while thereafter, the sun’s warm embrace. Once the sun was fully up she crept back to bed with a jubilant smile on her face. To this day she still occasionally gets that same notion that the sun won’t rise so she’ll stay up all night to ensure it’s arrival and she can once again feel the sun’s warm embrace.
‘The sun’s warm embrace’ is painted on A2 paper and has been made using acrylic, paint pen and charcoal.