L’esprit de l’escalier
We’ve all been there, you’re having a massive argument with some insufferable dolt and for one reason or another you storm off, only to come up with the wittiest retort known to mankind but alas you’re too late. L’esprit de l’escalier is a French term used in English for the predicament of thinking of the perfect reply just a bit too late.
Just imagine, Sarah here is now storming down the stairs from a party where she just had the weirdest argument with Michael and Justin from no.22. Now she’s about six stairs down her brain has just supplied her with the perfect retort to Justin’s ridiculous argument that Trump was probably right about injecting bleach. Now her biggest question is whether to remain walking down the stairs and retain some dignity or aboutheel back to the party to loudly point out to Justin the fallacies in his reasoning and the fact he’s undoubtedly talking bollocks. Decisions, decisions, decisions...