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Gone to the dogs

Gone to the dogs

This piece doesn't quite seem as relevant now at this point in the pandemic than when I started it back in week 1 of lockdown - but given my busy schedule I’ve only now got round to completing it. We always knew it was going to happen, the old ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ adage, but seeing Cummings and the like actually flaunt the rules and then make up creative reasons why their actions were completely reasonable is easily enough to get our collective indignation bubbling away.

So, given a map of London I thought it might be good to put this notion in a more graphical manner so you can easily determine if you are one of the hoi polloi or if you meet the requirements to do whatever you want wherever you like with whomever you see fit.

id-iom does not bear any responsibility for the geographical accuracy of this map however so you can stick that in your pipe and smoke it.




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